About TheatreBoard

TheatreBoard.co.uk is the UK's independent online forum for intelligent and lively discussion on all things theatre.  TheatreBoard.co.uk Logo



We welcome every type of theatregoer: from someone who visits a big show as an occasional treat, to those who can't let a week go by without booking yet another ticket.


From the biggest West End productions and big-budget tours through to the thriving fringe scene, every topic is welcome. Our specialist sections include: Musicals, Plays, Performers & Creatives, Opera & Dance and International as well as a popular area for General Chat.


Our Noticeboard allows users to post appropriate community notices, including adverts for charity and non-profit events.


Launched in February 2016, TheatreBoard was created by a group of theatre fans who came together to replace an existing forum that was closed down by its commercial owner.


TheatreBoard is operated on a non-profit basis by a team of volunteers. All income raised from advertising or other sources is used to cover the running costs of the site. Any future surplus income generated will be donated to charities working in the theatre sector.


You can find useful information in the following areas:

Contact Us

For all enquiries please email: theatreboarduk@gmail.com